Calvin Maldonado's Homepage

About Me & This Site

I grew up in Concord, NH, attended college in Claremont, CA, and lived most of the past decade in Madison, WI. I don't have much of a presence on social media, but I also don't want to cut myself off from the possibility of contact with people from my past. Hence, I've decided to create this page to serve as a public signpost to aid in sending messages my way.

So, if that description sounds like a Calvin Maldonado you've met, then chances are very good that him and I are one and the same! There aren't that many of us.

Contact Info

If you think you know me and would like to get in touch please do so! I'm reachable via email at:

homepage AT <my domain name>

Note that the above is not actually my primary email address - I'll be sending my replies to you from a different one at the same domain. That second address will be the one to save in your contacts. Consider this (along with the above address' obfuscation) an exercise in overly paranoid, and possibly ineffective, spam mitigation on my part.